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Garlic – Nectar for mortals – Natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal

Why Garlic (Allium sativum)  is called nectar for mortals in Ayurveda?

Garlic home remedies Nature Loc -health benefits

Garlic forms a major part of curry recipes in east India, especially Kerala, Bihar and  Bengal  because of its peculiar taste and flavour.  Due to its many positive effects, garlic is called nectar for mortals in Ayurveda.  It is believed that garlic lowers blood cholesterol, improves cholesterol HDL/LDL ratios, improves blood circulation, prevents blood clotting and reduces a body’s production of fats.

Surprising health benefits of garlic, why you should eat or chew  raw garlic daily? Is it good for you? How does it help?

Daily usage of garlic might  reduce the frequency and number of colds.  Due to its antibiotic, antiviral properties  helps to relieve toothaches.  Eat one pod of raw garlic on an  empty stomach to keep your BP under control

Often called the “Stinking Rose” and “Poor-man’s treacle”- Garlic Medicinal values – Home remedies

Over the years, garlic has gone by many names including the “stinking rose” and poor man’s treacle (or cure-all). The Latin name, Allium sativum, means “cultivated onion” which suggests that garlic may have been one of the earliest plants to be cultivated by humans. The common name derives in part from the shape of the foliage and comes from the Anglo-Saxon words for spear/lance (gar) and potherb (leac). It is believed that garlic lowers blood cholesterol, improves cholesterol HDL/LDL ratios, improves blood circulation, prevents blood clotting and reduces a body’s production of fats.

Garlic –  home remedies 

Toothache – simply put some raw garlic cloves directly onto the affected gum and tooth get quick relief.  Garlic is an in invaluable medicine for cold, cough, difficulty breathing, and most other disorders of the lungs. Sipping some garlic tea (for sweet with the touch of fresh, natural honey or ginger) to relieve a stuffed nose and cure cold also build your immunity.  Garlic is also known to be antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal.  Research has established that, when garlic extract is administered, bacteria withers, becomes unproductive and dies.  While killing the microbes on one hand, it simultaneously stimulates the immunity system.  Garlic also helps in hypertension, common cold, diabetes and bronchitis..  It is rich in powerful sulphur compounds that cause garlic’s strong odour but are the main source of its health benefits.   

Eaten in reasonable quantity, it is also a good source of vitamin C,  selenium, potassium and calcium.  Garlic should be crushed or chopped and allowed to stand for a few minutes before cooking.

Regular garlic consumption may significantly reduce the risk of colon, stomach and prostate cancer

Practical Tips

Choose large,firm undamaged bulbs and store in a container with air holes, in a dark,cool,dry place.

Skin the garlic by lightly crushing the clove with the flat side of a cleaver or knife and only lightly cook – long cooking destroys its beneficial compounds.

Parsley eaten after a garlic meal may reduce any mouth odour