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What Happens If You Give Honey To Infants To Treat Cough ? Is It Safe ?

Honey To Infants

Honey To Infants

We all know cold and cough are the most common health issues an infant suffers. And while considering the infants, they are still developing a 100 percent healthy immunity system. The factors which causes cold and cough alongside other allergies are many. It may be due to the change in the climatic conditions, or even consuming something very cold. There can be any reasons for infants under one year to easily fall sick.

Most of the parents start turning into pediatricians or health experts without any qualified degree. Few of the parents stick to the old traditional home remedies for cough. One being consuming small amount of household product; Honey.

Honey To Infants

Honey To Infants: Is it actually safe ?

Traditionally, honey has been used to relieve cough for many years. However, it is very important to check the infants for an allergic reaction. One shouldn’t be giving honey to a baby under six months. Once you begin giving baby foods to infants between six months to one year, that’s when you can try giving them small amount of honey. Be extremely careful of the quantity and quality of honey before giving it to them.

No child above two years of age should be given honey, even if it is to cure coughing. Anybody above two years of age can easily get instant relief from cough. Honey, because of its viscosity, helps in soothing the inflamed irritable mucosa (lining of throat). Besides, honey has a few anti-infective properties as well, which benefit the child.

Honey To Infants

Honey To Infants: What is Botulism ?

While honey may have many disinfectant properties, it can, very occasionally, contain a spore of a bacterium known as Clostridium Botulinum, which is found in dust and dirt when contaminated. This can cause a rare form of food poisoning in babies, called botulism. The bacterium is harmless to older kids and adults as they have a stronger digestive system. However, babies haven’t developed the ability to fight the spores yet. So, giving honey to a baby who is not more than six months old may result the bacteria to multiply. 

Honey To Infants

Raw honey may have multiple health benefiting properties; however, it may not prove to be equally good for babies that are not more than a year old. It is best to not give them honey if they suffer from coughing, rather, consult a pediatrician who could guide better.