Red meat – Is it safe to eat red meat?

What is red meat and Processed meat ?Why is it hazardous?

red meat adverse effects

Red meat is long established as an important dietary source of protein and essential nutrients including iron, zinc and vitamin B12, yet recent reports that its consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colon cancer have led to a negative perception of the role of red meat in health

Red meat includes beef, veal, pork and lamb (fresh,minced and frozen).
Processed meat includes meat that has been preserved by methods other than freezing, such as salting,smoking, marinating, air-drying or heating e.g. ham,
bacon, sausages, hamburgers, salami, corned beef and tinned meat

Is red meat good for you?


red meat health benefits

Red meat is any meat that has more hemoglobin than white meat like chicken.  The meat contains large amounts of creatine,minerals such as zinc and phosphorus as well as riboflavin,niacin,thiamine and vitamin B 12 which is essential for making DNA and keeping the nerves and red blood cells healthy

Lean red meats are among the best dietary source of high quality protein.  They are also the richest source of antioxidants like lipoic acid, zinc and iron and especially heme iron that is easy for the body to absorb.  But all good things come with a price

Red meat and Diseases

Red meat has many negative effects on the body leading to cardiovascular disease and  cancer.  Numerous studies have shown that regular consumption of red meat leads to an bowel  cancer.  Numerous studies have shown that regular consumption of red meat leads to an increased risk of colorectal cancer,pancreatic,stomach,endometrial,lung and bladder cancer.  Red meat consumption also increases the levels of serum cholesterol and TMA (trimethylamine N-oxide) which promotes atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.  And that not all,it is also one the major causes of type 2 diabetes

Why is it hazardous?

red meat in different dishes

One of the most common explanations for so many ill effect associated with red meat is the fact that toxic nitrogenous products of this meat.  These products lead to an increased risk of developing CRC when consuming large amounts of red meat and in particular processed red meat.  Also.lipid and protein components of red meat during digestion,produce products which cause oxidative stress and induce DNA damage due to their highly reactive nature

The iron content in meat is said to be the main promoter of the peroxidation and nitrosation pathway.  The toxic higher with a diet containing high fat content like in red meat.  On the contrary, a lean beet diet has been associated with a decrease in colon cancer.

Nitrates and nitrites found in processed meat like ham,salami and sausages are converted into nitrosamines that can be carcinogenic,causing tumorigenesis  that will eventually lead to cancers.  Nitrite salt wi widely used as a curing agent in meant products for colour, to inhibit outgrowth of bacteria and to dealt rancidity.  And these agents have been associated with cancer

Red meat dishes -cooking recipes 

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