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Red Sandalwood(Raktha Chandanam) -Skin Treatment from Nature without Chemicals

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Red Sandalwood(Raktha Chandana)

Red sandalwood  is also known as Raktha Chandana, Tilapaparni, Patrangam etc. Its botanical name is Pterocarpus santalinus.This Red sandalwood is the tree and the wood is red in colour.It has a fragrance this will remain for many years. Its trunk wood, that is heartwood is used for various medicinal purposes.The tree is growing in a dry climate.And grows about 15 meters heights.It is mainly used as a beauty ingredient.This is an ancient remedy for skin problems in Ayurveda.Red sandalwood  has a variety of medicinal and cosmetic properties.It is commonly found in India and mostly used in Ayurveda and also for cosmetics. The Red sandalwood can provide many anti-microbial properties.This is used in many forms such as powder, paste, wood, sandalwood oil etc.

Red-Sandalwood Powder available – www.NatureLoC.com

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Red sandalwoodpowder- Uses for Skin


Red Sandalwood powder and paste can be used for many skin problems such as scars, acne, skin tone, ageing, pigmentation etc.Pure red sandalwood powder is used in creams, lotions and other cosmetic products also.Here are some of its uses for skin.Check it….

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For Skin Complexion:-If you have dry and rough skin, you can use the face pack with red sandal wood powder.This powder with curd  can improve the complexion.And can give you a shiny bright skin.This will give a better result if you add some turmeric powder too.

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For Even Skin Tone:-The powder with lemon juice can be used for better skin tone for oily skin.This Sandalwood powder with rose water can also prove you a better skin tone.Thus regulate the sebum secretion of the skin.

Removes Pigmentation Marks:- RThis Powder helps to remove the pigmentations of your skin.For this sandalwood powder with the raw  milk can be used.The Powder with honey can also remove the pigmentations of the skin.For better results use this pack daily.

Removes Pimples:-The  powder can remove the acne from your skin and make it clear and clean.The powder with turmeric powder and honey can remove the pimples.Can be used with water and rose water also.

For Itching skin:-Red Sandalwood powder with oil can be used for itching skin.Use this for massaging to the affected areas.This can remove the itching of your skin.

Anti-Ageing property:-The wrinkles which make your skin aged can be resisted by red sandal wood powder.This powder with green tea can remove wrinkles on your face.

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For more Ayurvedic dried and crushed medicines visit www.NatureLoC.com