Slipped Disc – Tips for spinal health

Slipped Disc – Save yourself from slipped disc

Tips to spinal health

A slipped disc can occur in any part of the spinal cord, starting from the neck to the back. Essentially, the spinal column can be defined as a complex network that composes of blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, when person has a slipped disc, these particular nerves and muscles are put under added pressure and the lower back is the most common area for a slip disc. A poor posture can easily become second nature, causing and aggravating episodes of back and neck pain and damaging spinal structures.

The wrong posture and excessive pressure on the back over a long period of time can also result in a slip disc

Tips For Spinal Health

  • Sit upright keeping your spine and neck straight and aligned. Keeping the spine in a twisted or uneven position can cause pain in the back.Equally important is to keep the neck straight to prevent pain in the  neck and problems with the nerves.
  • While using a desktop, make sure your wrist is kept straight while typing, as bending narrows the space available for the tendon and nerves, putting pressure on them. Also, the elbow should be positioned at approximately 90 degrees.
  • The type of chair you use can also make a difference. It should be based on an ,ergonomic design.,Meaning, the back rest of the chair should end above the shoulder level. Also, the chair should have a height adjusting facility and lumber An unsuitable chair also contributes to poor posture, such as slouching and this puts pressure on the spine.
  • The height of the chair should be such that you can rest your feet on the floor with that knees bent at a 90 degrees angle.
  • Keep taking breaks from this position every couple of hours. Take a washroom break or just take a walk in the office to rest your back, neck and fingers from the strain of the same position.
  • Also, keep exercising your fingers and  wrists to avoid repetitive strain injury in the tendons and muscles.
  • At least once in the entire day stand up and rotate your arms a few times both  inwards and outwards to prevent the shoulder from freezing in the same position.
  • Cradling your phone to your ear while typing should also be avoided as this can contribute to neck and shoulder pain.