Tips to fight bad breath (Halitosis)

Tips to fight bad breath


Bad breath can be embarrassing and tough not only for you but also for those around you, as well.  Fortunately, this problem is often easy to fix and there are ways to counter it.  Some of the various ways to combat bad breath include the following:

Brush and floss after every meal

brush and floss afeter every meal

Brush and floss after every meal to reduce plaque build up.  Carry a travel toothbrush and tooth paste to work if you have to, so that you can make use of it soon after lunch.  Residual food left in the mouth that doesn’t come out when brushing can easily be removed through flossing.  Do so, after every meal.

Opt for a high fibre diet

Opt for a high fibre diet and reduce carbohydrates intake.  Such a diet makes the body releases ketones

Do not eat garlic, onion or any strong odour food

Do not eat garlic, onion or any strong odour food during the day or use a mouthwash after eating them.  Also avoid tobacco and smoking

Drink a lot of fluids throughout the day

chewing-sugar-free-gum tips to fight bad breath natureloc

Bad breath is also caused by dehydration, so drink a lot of fluids throughout the day.  Also, drink a lot of water, because it keeps your mouth clean.

Chew on gum or candy of you have a dry mouth to keep the flow of saliva removes the bacteria that causes bad breath

Get regular check-ups done every six months

Get regular check-ups done every six months to know if you have tooth decay or gum problems, as both these ailments can lead to bad breath