Spinach-Cheera – Countless variety

Spinach-Cheera –  Green Leafy Vegetables

Different varieties of green leafy vegetable (GLV) are grown in our surroundings. We are not familiar with these and are largely ignorant of their nutritive value. Let us have a look at some locally available varieties of Spinach-Cheera

Spinach-Cheera – Sambar cheera (Ceylon Spinach)

sambar spinach-cheera

Sambar cheera (Ceylon Spinach) it is commonly known as water leaf, growing in a wet area. This shrub is dark green in colour. The whole plant is edible and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A and Vitamin E are the major vitamins and iron and calcium is the major minerals seen in this spinach-cheera. It is said to have some medicinal properties and is traditionally used for the treatment of measles. It is said to have an antidiabetic property also. This is also used as an ornamental plant, we can easily cultivate this plant without much care.

Green Leafy Vegetables (GLV) – Nutrient rich but low in calorie

Kozhuppa cheera – Kozhuppa spinach

It is commonly known as kozhuppa cheera. It comes under Amaranthesia family. Usually, the plant grows well in the wet/muddy area. The leaves, as well as stems, are edible. It is considered to have immense health benefits for eyes, hair and skin. It is also a home remedy for piles.The young shoots are nutritious and contain carotenoids, triterpenes, saponins and flavonoids. Studies conducted in India showed that it has some anti-ulcerative properties. Its stem, leaves and roots are highly nutritious and it is used as a folk medicine.

The root of this plant are used for stomach problems and its leaves are used to make a decoction treat hypertension and itchy skin. The leaves contain plenty of dietary fiber which helps to reduce the blood sugar significantly and also helps to avoid constipation. In India, all parts of this plant are considered as a folk medicine and used for many disease conditions.

agathi spinach cheera

Agathy cheera Sesbania grandiflora is the scientific name of this plant.

The name of this plant AGATHY is related to the saint Agusthya.This is also known as hummingbird tree. There are two varieties of agathy trees. One with white flower and the other with red flower. White flower agathy trees are more commonly seen than the red one. The taste of agathy leaves are bitter, but it has a bunch of health benefits. The flowers are also edible. Leaves, stem, root and flower of agathy tree are used for medicinal purposes. The agathi leaves and flowers can be consumed in the form of juice, cooked dishes or medicine. The thin stem has used  an ingredient for good health medicines in Siddha and Ayurveda.

Thazhuthama (Boerhavia diffusa)

Thazhuthama spinach cheera

We are very familiar  this plant. It is found as a creeper. This plant is coming under the family nyctanginacea. It is also known as PUNARVA in Sanskrit. The stems and leaves of this plant are greenish purples in colour.
It is commonly used as a medicinal plant rather than leafy vegetable. It has diuretic properties ie,it has an ability to increase urine output because of its high potassium nitrate content.


The iron content of the leaves helps to cure anemia and also helpful to control cholesterol. Though the whole plant is used medicinally.  The important part is root. We can use thazhuthama leaves to make thoran and kuruma. It can be easily cultivated in our kitchen garden by stem cutting without much attention.

Other leafy vegetables Apart from these, some common leafy vegetables are seen in our surroundings. But we are unaware of the nutritive value of these different varieties of leafy vegetables. So try to add many of these locally available leafy vegetables, instead of buying poison sprayed vegetables from the market. We can prepare different colorful varieties of dishes with this leafy vegetables.

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