How To Plant Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd From Seeds?
What is Bitter Gourd or Bitter Melon?
Bitter Gourd is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucubitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Caribbean for its edible fruit.
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How to Plant Bitter Gourd?
Step 1: Prepare the soil.
Step 2: Use the corrects sized pot and ensure proper drainage.
Step 3: Sow the seeds(Bitter Gourd).
Step 4: Water and check the growth daily.
Step 5: Give young plant some support.
Step 6: Allow the plant to grow in sun light.
Step 7: Add additional support with twine.
Step 8: Harvest the fruits.
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Benefit Of Bitter Gourd
Liver Tonic
Drink one glass of bitter Gourd juice daily to heal liver problem.
Kidney And Bladder
Bitter melon help to maintain a healthy liver and bladder. It is also useful in curing kidney stones.
Consuming bitter melon can help you get rid of acne, blemish and deep skin infections. Bitter gourd is useful in treating blood disorders like blood boils, scabies, itching, psoriasis, ringworm and other fungal diseases.
Glowing Skin
Bitter gourd juice is a treasure trove of antioxidant. It’s rich in vitamin A and C which prevent premature skin ageing and diminish wrinkles.
Weight Loss
Eating or drinking the juice of Bitter Gourd stimulates the liver to secrete bile acids that are essential for fat in the body.