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What’s the benefit of having crunchy and nutritious roots called carrots?


What's the benefit of having crunchy and nutritious roots called carrots

Carrot is known to be one of the extensively used and enjoyed vegetable in the world. As a root vegetable, it possess many health benefits.

Carrots belongs to the category of crunchy and nutritious roots with a sweet taste. It is rich in nutritional elements and mineral components like beta-carotene, potassium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin K. The traditional orange colour of the carrot is due to the presence of an antioxidant called beta-carotene which would later be converted to vitamin A in the body. Natural and fresh carrots can be considered as a healthy addition to your diet. China is known to the largest cultivators of carrot. It is being extensively used in the preparation of salads and other recipes. This root vegetable is liked by adults as well as children because of its sweet taste and a crunchy texture.


Typically carrots are available in orange colour, but white, yellow, purple coloured carrots are also used in different parts of the world. Carrots are considered to be a native vegetative root of Southwestern Asia and Europe. Taproot of this vegetative root is the most commonly consumed portion and the green carrot stem and leaves are occasionally used for the preparation of salads and other recipes. Carrots are also known to be the natural source of vitamin B6 and vitamin K. Carrot plants are grown from their seeds and it would normally take four months for its maturation.

Let’s have a detailed look at the health qualities of including carrots in your diet.

Helps in digestion

Like many other fruits and vegetables, these orange coloured vegetative root is rich in dietary fibres. The inclusion of food materials rich in dietary fibres in your daily diet helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system. The presence of dietary fibre results in adding bulk to stool, which results in smooth passage through the digestive tract. It also aids in the peristalsis motion of the digestive tract and helps with the secretion of digestive enzymes. Thus, the intake of carrots can have a positive effect against constipation and various other diseases.

Controls blood pressure

The nutritional components in carrot help in controlling the blood pressure level of the body. The presence of potassium in carrot aids in relaxing the tension in the blood vessels. The decrease in the tension will increase the blood circulation and will result in better organ function. High blood pressure can also be one of the reasons for strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. So the daily intake of carrots can have a positive effect in maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

Aids in  cancer prevention

Some the studies have shown that the daily intake of carrots will have a positive effect in preventing lung cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer. The presence of free radicals in the body is known to be the ignition for cancer disease. Beta-carotene is known to be one of the powerful natural antioxidant present in carrot. These antioxidants help in protecting the body from the harmful effects of free radicals present in the body. Thus, the intake of carrot will have a positive effect in the prevention of cancer diseases.

Maintains a healthy eyesight

Vitamin A deficiency can result in the deterioration of photoreceptors present in the eye, this in turn results in the slow depreciation of the normal vision capabilities. Consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene will help in restoring the vision. Carrot is known for the presence of high percentage of beta-carotene. Therefore, the daily intake of carrots in your diet can have a positive effect in maintaining your vision.