Tips for Successful Weight Loss-Eating Habits and Emotions

Weight Loss-Eating Habits and Emotions

Harmful eating and Emotional eating

Weight Loss -Eating habits are behaviors that we do every day, often without thinking. Harmful eating habits can lead to overeating and weight gain. Examine your eating habits and replace unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones to maintain your weight.

Examples of harmful eating habits Examples of helpful eating habits

  • Skipping meals
  • Eating too fast
  • Automatically cleaning your plate
  • Eating when not hungry
  • Eating in front of the TV, phone, or computer.

Emotional eating means eating food in response to feelings (such as stress, boredom, anger, and being tired) rather than hunger.

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Examples of helpful eating habits.

  • Add healthy snacks to the weekly grocery list
  • Set a timer at meals and eat slowly
  • Put the fork down in between bites
  • Turn off the TV, phones and computers during meals

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Weight Loss-Tips for emotional eating


  • Keep a diary to track food and emotions. Write down how you’re feeling before you eat to identify triggers for food cravings.
  • Do not keep problem foods around the house and/or at work. A problem food is a food that you are likely to eat too much of or too often.
  • Get adequate sleep each night (7 – 9 hours).
  • Try other activities as alternative ways to celebrate, comfort, nurture or distract yourself

o Take a walk

o Call a friend
o Listen to music
o Paint your nails
o Work on a word puzzle
o Read a book, magazine or blog
o Organize or clean a small area in your house