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Baby’s Food-Should the semi-solids be given before or after breast feeding?

Baby’s Food and diet pattern-Should the semi-solids be given before or after breast feeding?

Baby’s Food This is the common doubt. Baby s food – A hard and fast rule cannot be set for this.  Each child is different in this regard.  Some babies refuse to take any food after breastfeeding though the breast milk may not be sufficient.  If the baby is willingly taking other food in addition to breast milk after each feed encourage this by giving semisolid immediately after breast milk

Babys food banana powder

In certain cases babies get enough breast milk even at 4 months.  Baby receives all the nutrition it requires from the mother’s milk alone.  In such cases other foods need to be introduced only after 5 or 6 months.

Babies food Kerala Banana slices dried Banana powder Kannan kaya powder available in nauteloc.com

What is the best food for baby to start with?

The introduction of semi-solids at 4-6 months of age is also to provide the infant a chance for discovering varying tastes of different foods.  Taste bus begin to develop at this period of life.

Ragi,wheat,rice flour cooked with milk and certain fruits like banana (ethakkaya dried banana powder,kannan kaya dried and powdered) may be started at 4 to 5 months.  In the beginning half or one spoon is enough.  Gradually the quantity and number of feeds may be increased.  Seasonal fruits like papaya and mango may also be started as the first weaning food.

 Read more :-Baby Needs – The basic needs of the baby Sleep Play & Exercise

Baby’s Food :-The market is flooded with precooked cereal preparations.  But a wise and energetic mother would provide the growing infant with all the nourishment that he needs from the foods she uses to make family meals rather than spending large amounts of these tinned baby foods.  Moreover,the food prepared at home is fresh and gives the infant a chance to taste variety.

Buy Baby’s Food – Kerala Home made Banana dried and kannan kaya dried and powder buy online from www.natureloc.com

kannan kaya powder buy online from natureloc.com