How honey and cinnamon really work in diabetics?

Health benefits of honey and  cinnamon mixture

cinnamon-and-honey home remedies

What is honey? What is Cheruthen/Stingless bee honey (Small Honey/Wild Honey) ?

Honey and cinnamon mixture cures most of the diseases.  In Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicines have been using honey as vital medicine for centuries.  It also accepts as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases.Honey is one of nature’s most versatile products. All over the world, honey is enjoyed for its sweet flavor. Honey- The liquid Gold – No added preservatives,no added flavorings . Honey has beneficial effects on blood glucose and lipids, and possibly on weight loss.In a research study, healthy people were asked to consume a honey solution for 15 days. At the end of this period, they were found to have decreased levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,triglycerides and blood glucose, and increased levels of HDL-cholesterol(“good” cholesterol).

Cinnamon – The unknown leader among spices

Original Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the highly prized spice that has been in use since biblical times for its medicinal and culinary properties.There are three types of cinnamon:Ceylon cinnamon,Indonesian cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon.Cinnamon with its delicate aroma and spicy flavour, is an essential ingredient in ‘curry masalas’ of India.

How can Honey and Cinnamon Help?


Mixture of cinnamon powder and honey stops the body from accumulating fat.Honey is an  antioxidant and does all kinds of good things for the body.

Diabetes : Cinnamon contains antioxidant flavonoids whose effect closely resembles that of insulin, meaning that it can encourage glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells where it is needed for a functional energy source. Energy, as a pure source of natural sugar, does not cause nearly the fluctuation in blood sugar levels that many artificial sources of sugar do, and cinnamon’s effects, when combined with honey, show a steady use of glucose by the body, and an improvement in Type 2 diabetes management.

honey and cinnamon

Honey and Cinnamon formula for weight loss

The recommended way is to mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon into a mug of boiling water, leave it cool for about 30 minutes and then add a teaspoon of honey. Drink this first thing in the morning. Of course, cinnamon and honey can also be incorporated into your meals for additional intake. Cinnamon rolls, however, are not particularly helpful for weight loss!

daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder taken in equal parts restore hearing.

Applying  honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema,ringworm and all types of skin infections

Honey and Cinnamon formula for weight loss

Cinnamon is often adulterated with cassia bark or by mixing it with genuine cinnamon a portion of cinnamon bark which has been deprived of its essential oil by distillation or extraction. Cassia is usually cheaper in cost than cinnamon and hence is used for adulterating cinnamon. It is often mislabelled and sold as cinnamon.

To know more Are you using original Cinnamon ? How to find duplicates? How toxic is it to Liver & Kidney ?

Honey- The liquid Gold – No added preservatives,no added flavorings

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Stingless bee honey – Cheruthen  small honey health articles