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Age erase in your 30’s – Skin care tips -skin care as we age

Age erase in your 30’s-skin care as we age

skin care after 30's

During your 30’s you have a good career,good set of friends and more stability in life than before.  More importantly,you feel all grown up.  But this is the time when you are also starting to worry just a bit when you kook at the mirror.  As you progress in your 30’s some of the signs of ageing start to show up.  The most important part is to find a right exfoliating face wash or scrub that goes well with your skin type.  This illuminates your skin and keeps it soft and supple.

  •  Continue with the regime you set up in your 20’s but add a little more to the cleaning routine.  use the combination of a makeup remover and a face wash to get really clean skin
  • Take special care of the under eye area and lips.  Use a lightening,capillary stabilizing cream like vitamin K,blood pigment clearing lotion like Arnicta under eye gel or cream every night.  Use a concealer with good moisturiser during the day.  For lip care use beeswax butter with an SPF to keep them soft.
  • Continue with your sunscreen
  • At night you can change your night cream from a simple one to one that has ingredients like a Retin-A,AHA,BHA,collagen boosters and other antioxidants.  Do not forget your neck and the back of your hands.
  • This is the time to get some professional help,start some supplements for skin health

Skin care at 30 – health tips – beauty tips – Good  basic skin care after 30

skin-health-sprinkle water






@ 30 your face needs hydration and moisture throughout the day. Make your own facial hydrator at home

Water and 3 or 4 drops rose oil – Mix these ingredients and pour this mixture into a spray bottle,keep spraying your face through out the day

Diet Eat like a bird  –  Nuts and seeds are perfect food  

Dried-Fruit-and-Nuts-for perfect skin





Adding seeds and nuts in your diet will improve the skin condition

always eat fresh fruits, vegetables

Eating well balanced diet and enough fatty acids,nutrients and drinking plenty of water

Applying face masks regularly (natural fresh fruits face masks-natural home oil face masks) Try you own facial masks by using your own from your home shelf fresh fruits,nuts and natural oil,egg yolk,honey,bananas are excellent for the skin.


Skin refreshing fruits – Nuts using for perfect skin – Nuts and fruits skin protecting values-health benefits – home made facial masks – visit our health blog 

Buy organic fresh natural nuts -finely and freshly collected and prepared