Long Pepper (Pippali) Long Pepper (Pippali) called Indian long pepper (pipli), is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated..
White Pepper White Pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae. It is prepared..
Spicy Baby potato podi Potatoes are a commonly used vegetable all over the world…
Capsicum an overview – Also known as red/chilli pepper, bell pepper, jalapeno,paprika Capsicum consists of..
What is Pippali (Long pepper) – Thippali or Pippalli Long pepper is an unripe spike of..
Lentil soup recipes – Dal varieties and vegetables Thick soups we are familiar with the..
Tortilla thunder – Spanish Spicy Omelette As a traveller when travelling across the country I..
Palak Coriander Spicy Chutney Pulao How about a spicy chutney pulao for an adventurous food..
Kurumulaku (Black Pepper) Indian cuisines are inextricably entwined with spices. Almost all the Indian dishes will..
Black Pepper (Kurumulaku) If you think black pepper is not so important on your kitchen..