Anjili Chakka – The Wild Jack Fruit of Kerala How many of you have tasted..
Soya Bean -Golden Bean – Meat of the field Soya Bean was..
Dates – Fruit -Palm Dates -Blessings and Bread of Desert Dates Fruit – Date..
Cloves An Inexpensive remedy for dreadful tooth pain Tooth pain (Tooth Ache) can be..
Buying honey with added artificial sweeteners? Fake honey devoid of all health and medicinal benefits?..
Kodampuli Kodampuli is also known as Cambodge, fish tamarind, malabar tamarind and mistakenly as kokum…
Sago Pearls Palm or Chowari Sabudana (Metroxylon Sagu) Chowari or Sago is a kind of..
Non-spice items that are used to thicken-flavour – Coconut-Onion-Arrowroot powder-Salt Coconut : wonderful natural oil..
What is Honey? Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees. It is a..
What is Vetiver ? Chrysopogon Zizanioides, commonly known as Vetiver (derived from the Tamil: வெட்டிவேர்) is a..