Jujube Jujube is a member of the buckthorn family of plants. It is a small..
Adopt A Holistic Approach To Slow Down Ageing The six pillars of anti-ageing treatment consists..
Traditional Kitchenware Times have changed where the old kitchenwares like Ammikallu, Mortar & Pestle and..
Goji Berries Goji Berries or Wolfberry, is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a..
Ramacham bed – Vetiver Mattress – The poor man’s air conditioner Ramacham bed – Vetiver..
Hair care tips for strong lustrous hair. How do you make your hair grow faster?..
Maasai (massai) – A unique – popular tribe Who are the Maasai? The Maasai are a tribe..
Is It Safe To Have Seeds During Pregnancy? Studies show that eating certain types of..
Kolarakku-Laksha Lac Laccifer Lacca – The ancient Indian herbal medicine Kolarakku-Laksha Lac Laccifer Lacca Lac..
Karkidakam -Karkidakkam – . As per the Malayalam calendar, karkidakom is the last month of malayala masa & it falls in the month of July or August. With the starting of karkidakom, monsoon rainfall enters the final phase in kerala.