5 Interesting Ways To Use Honey In Your Beauty Routine Honey, an elixir considered divine..
Bumblebees bumble bees – Buzz Pollination.Bumblebees or bumble bees ,member of bee genus,family Apidae Bumblebees are social insects
Multani mitti – Fuller’s earth – Benefits and Uses. What is multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) ? Multani mitti – Fuller’s earth is a variety of clay that has high capacity for adsorbing basic colours
Cheruthen or Small honey (Stingless bee honey) plays an important role in reducing weight or reducing beer belly.Small honey reduces obesity, if used daily
What makes stingless bee honey more valuable than normal honey?
Home Remedies – A natural remedy is a treatment used to cure common ailments,aches and..
Stingless bees honey – Dwarf honey bees or Cheruthen Eecha (ചെറുതേൻ) or bees also called Meliponini Trigona are a large group of bees around 500 species, comprising the tribe Meliponini.
Turmeric and honey – The Strong antibiotic Since ages Indian spices have been used..
What is Honey? Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees. It is a..
Honey – Natural Honey – The soul of a field of flowers Cheru then (Small honey..